Monday, May 28, 2012

A Gay Twitter Conversation

Gay Twitter LGBTI wrote a post a while back about loving LGBT people.

Recently I Tweeted about the post and ended up having an interesting conversation on Twitter about it.

Here is the conversation:

And that was the end of the conversation.

How do you handle conversations like these? What did I say that I should not have said? What did I not say that I should have said? Where was I wrong? Where was I right?

If you leave a comment below, make sure you hit the little ?Twitter? bird in the Disqus comment field so that your comment gets Tweeted (might as well do FB also). Hopefully we can get more people weighing in on the conversation this way (If you don?t see either button, you need to connect your Disqus account with your Twitter and Facebook account on the Disqus website by editing your profile and selecting ?Services?)

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